God's Word's Reliability!


Question: What is the evidence for Paul’s conversion experience on the road to Damascus described in Acts Chapter nine?


No matter what you read elsewhere; and although the Bible has been through the mill as regards Translations and interpretations; it is still the WORD of Almighty God; Who, keeps a watch on its contents, so that the essential message still is held in its pages through the Generations of the human population on Earth!

There is much open and oblique force against the Bible; by men and women who are intelligent and much learned regarding Scripture, but who are hurt and disillusioned in the conclusion they have come to!

The Message of the Bible is of Hope and Salvation in this World of sin, lawlessness, hopelessness, and disillusion, which is growing exponentially as the Nations of the world are nearly all in a tailspin into despair and the population grows to the extent of famine in many countries!

Your question is on the minds and hearts of many people; but; Almighty God through Christ Jesus has asked us one question, which is still easy to perceive in the world’s good translations of the Bible: “Do you believe in My Son’s Death for your Salvation”; God only asks for our answer “Yes”; IN FAITH!

The great Apostle Paul gave many insights in his letters; one of the most profound is 2Timothy 3:16–17; which gives assurance that his writings and work are from Almighty God!

As mentioned above, God watches all activity which affects His Word, which is His Son (John 1:1); and it is maintained on Earth until it has been fulfilled (finished completely)!

Regarding Paul; see Links.

Apostle Paul's Conversion   (Study)

Apostle Paul's Accusers    (Study)

Paul; post third Heaven   (Study)

Paul's Changing Mission!   (Study)

Paul's "thorn in the flesh"  (Study)

Paul as a Jew!   (Study)


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